Registration informationEJC2017 registration fee is 100 € (VAT not included). The cost of accommodation for the whole stay is 500 € (VAT included), in addition to the registration fee. However, EJC2017 will try to cover the accommodation cost of as much participants as possible. If you would like to benefit from this support, please ask for it in your pre-registration. Once registered, participants have access to: lectures, coffee-breaks, accommodation, meals, a social dinner and an excursion. The registration fee is not refundable in case of cancellation of the participant. Travel costs are at the charge of the participants or their institutions. The registration process to EJC2017 is done in two steps: 1/ Pre-registration (from March 6th to May 12th, 2017) Please send a mail of interest to ejc2017@sciencesconf.org with the following information: First name: Last name: Position (PhD, postdoc, other): Current affiliation: Topic of PhD or current research: Name of PhD advisor or contact person: Motivation for attending EJC2017: 2/ Final registration for selected participants (from May 22nd to June 30th, 2017) An e-mail with the information needed for registration and payment has been sent to the selected participants. Please contact us if you have not received it.